mardi 2 août 2011
mercredi 23 février 2011
Preview for the 4th Issue "The Dark Issue"
Photographed and styled by Justin Violini in NYC
Models :Christop Ribbe @ Request, Jim Poole @APM
Erik Sage @ Major, Andrew Hulme @ Request and Patricio Quinones @ Request
Rooftop in Tribecca, coming out Mars 23rd .... Stay tuned !!!!
mercredi 9 février 2011
The Mermaid & The Officer
In the late 90's , everybody wanted to have a pair of Cutler & Gross.
Any major celebrity , from Johnny Depp to Madonna, would rock them and make us drool with envy.
The years went by and designer sunglasses were must have.
This year, the famous brand is making a breaking come back on the fashion scene with their latest collection , mixing the classics we loved and new shapes we're dying to wear , like the crystal-clear or the retro butterfly ones.
The most stylish way to protect your eyes from the sun this summer
A la fin des années 90, tout le monde voulait une paire de Cutler & Gross.
Toutes les stars de l'epoque , de Johnny Depp en passant par Madonna, paradaient avec ces lunettes et nous bavions d'envie.
Les années ont passées et les lunettes de designer sont devenues un essentiel laissant la marque prendre un peu la poussiere.
Cette année , la celebre marque fait un enorme come-back avec leur derniere collection, mixant les classiques que nous adorions avec de nouvelles paires que nous mourrons d'envie d'arborer , comme les montures transparentes ou les retro facon papillon.
Ce sera la facon la plus stylée de proteger vos yeux du soleil de l'été.
The New Swan
The collection is self called " Luxury Wear For urban Divas" and of course it catched out attention.
We already shot some of her pieces in the third issue of Lash Magazine because of their gorgeous fabrics and the very feminine details like the rhinstone bows you will find on some dresses.
The whole collection is very coherent , with a strong ballerina inspiration, chiffon flowing and draped like new version of tutus without being cheesy.
Corsets and pleated chiffon tops are matching knee length and leggings in a romantic but still modern look
We love her and we're pretty sure you will get one of her dress in your wardrobe soon...
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Photo : Jean Baptiste Mondino |
Quand une collection s'intitule " Vetements de Luxe pour les Divas Urbaines" , elle attire forcement notre attention.
Nous avions deja photographié quelques pieces de la collection dans la troisieme edition de Lash Magazine , car nous avoions adoré la delicatesse des tissus et les details si feminins comme les rubans recouverts de strass disposés sur certaines robes.
La collection est tres coherente , avec une forte inspiration de l'univers des ballerines, de la mousseline aerienne et des jupes facon tutu en tulle et mousseline drapées.
Des corsets aux bustiers drapés en passant aux jupe longueur genoux et aux legginsg, le look reste romantique mais resolument moderne.
Nous l'aimons deja et nous sommes surs que l'une de ses pieces finira dans votre garde robe...
When an Icon meets two others
When we saw that picture of the new collector Barbie dolls, we just totally gagged.
As obssesive fan of the plastic doll , we were thrilled to see that Mattel finally realeased their own version of the legendary Krystel Carrington (played by Linda Evans )and Alexis Morrel Dexter Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan ( played by Joan Collins) who made the most amazing years of American television with their infamous catfights and their outrageous outfit
We miss them and so happy to see that we can hold on to a piece of plastique to remember those crazy characters
Lorsque nous avons vu cette image des editions limitées de nouvelles poupées Barbie, nous nous sommes etouffés.
Nous sommes des fans hysteriqyes de la poupée en plastique et nous avons étés surexcités de voir que Mattel avaient enfin sorti leur version des legendaires Krystel Carrington (joué pat Linda Evans ) et Alexis Morrel Dexter Carrington Colby Dexter Rowan ( joué parJoan Collins), qui ont fait les plus belles heures de la télévision americaine par leurs fameux crepages de chignons et leur tenues hysteriques.
Elles nous ont manqué et nous sommes heureux de pouvoir se raccrocher a des morceaux de plastique pour nous rappeller ces personnages dementiels.
Italians Do It Better
Let's be a little bit more personnal on this one.
I've been blond for a couple months after a bad color done to my hair.
It was more yellow than blond and i lost almost half of my hair due to the bleaching.
Nobody really wanted to take care of that mess, because they were afraid of the challenge and finally i saw the light.
Andrea Soldano decided he could save my hair and give me the color I wanted for a while.
He told me to come to the salon and spend the day with him while he would practice his magic on my messy hair.
The salon is clear , warm and welcoming. An expresso in my hand and some cool music playing, Andrea started to work on my hair , a smile on his face and reassuring words for me , being anxious about loosing my hair or being obliged to shave them
It took about four hours approximatively to fix my hair, he used his special and unique techniques that I'm not allowed to reveal, he managed to take my hair from yellow to champagne!
He also uses exclusive Philip B. products , the exclusive brand used to do star's hair like Madonna or Penelope Cruz ,with such fine shampoo like the White truffle , smelling extremely good, The Russian Amber for reapairing damaged color-treated hair, and the African Shea Butter that is to my knowledge now the most amazing hair conditioner ever.
After spending delicious moment in the massage chair while my skull wad deeply massaged with this incredible products, Andrea took me to this oversized wood table to finish the trim and dry my hair.
The result was amazing, just beyond words.
My hair was soft and shinny, the color was amazing in the natural light coming from the window, i was extatic.
Definitely one of a kind, and honestly the best so far. Go to see him without a doubt, he will turn your sorrow hair into pure glowing style.
YES by Andrea Soldano
44 rue Saint Sabin
75011 Paris
44 rue Saint Sabin
75011 Paris
01 43 44 13 30
Metro : Chemin Vert
Essayons d'etre un peu plus personnel dans ce post.
J'ai les cheveux blonds depuis quelques mois apres une couleur qui a mal tourné.
Au lieu du platine attendu , c'est plutot du jaune paille qui est ressorti et j ai perdu plus de la moitié de mes cheveux a cause des produits de decoloration
Personne n'osait vraiment vouloir reprendre les chauses en main , vu la taille du challenge et un jour j 'ai vu la lumière au bout du tunnel capillaire.
Andrea Soldano m'affirma qu il pouvait sauver ce qu il restait de ma criniere et me procurer la couleur que je voulais depuis un moment.
Il me dit de passer au salon et d'y passer la journée avec lui pendant qu'il mettrais en pratique sur la ruine qui constituait mes cheveux.
Le salon est tres lumineux et acceuillant. Un expresso dans la main et de la musique cool en toile de fond, Andrea a commencer a travailler sur mes cheveux, un sourire aux levres et des mots rassurants pour calmer mon anxiété de perdre mes cheveux ou d etre obliger de les raser.
Cela a pris a peu pres quatre heures pour sauver ma tete, Andrea se servant de ses techniques uniques que je ne peux pas reveler for faire passer mes cheveux de jaune paille a Champagne !
Ils se sert des produits exclusifs de Philip B., une marque incroyable qui a deja fait des miracle sur les tetes de Madonna ou de Penelope Cruz, dont le delicieux shampoing White truffle , a l'odeur delicieuse, le shampoing Russian Amber specialement concu pour les cheveux colorés et abimés, et l'incroyale African Shea Butter qui est le plus incroyable des apres-shampoings que j ai pu essayer.
Apres le delicieux moment passé dans le fauteil massant pendant qu'andrea travaillait ma chevelure avec ses produits incroyables, je suis passé a la table de coiffure, une immense table de bois qui sert de station de travail pour la coupe et le brushing.
Le resulat m'a laissé sans voix.
Mes cheveux etaient doux et brillants, la lumiere naturelle venant des immenses fenetres de la devanture rendait cette couleur incroyable, j 'etais au Paradis.
Resolument unique en son genre, et honnetement un des meilleurs que j ai pu croiser, il saura changer votre chevelure morne en une masse incroyable de cheveux brillants de santé et de glamour
YES by Andrea Soldano
44 rue Saint Sabin
75011 Paris
44 rue Saint Sabin
75011 Paris
01 43 44 13 30
Metro : Chemin Vert
Walking the red carpet in style
For any actress or female celebrity , it is a nightmare to find a decent gown for an event.
Nobody wants to end on a "Worst dressed list" magazine spread for choosing the bad gown that would make you look like a cheap bride or an eighties soap opera star.
Paule Ka, used to save celebrities from wardrobe malfunction on many events, decided to create a special line called "Black carpet" , especially for big occasions.
The dresses look modern, cutting edge and still sexy without being provocative.
Black of course, but also white , nude ( this year's new black) and some well chosen colors like some lime green and vivid red.
Then there are no excuses for the starlets to fail on the red carpet....
Pour n'importe quelle actrice ou celebrité, choisir la bonne tenue pour une soirée peux se transformer en veritable cauchemar
Personne ne veux apparaitre sur la liste des plus mal habillées dans un magazine a grand tirage pour avoir choisi une meringue de mariée ou une robe qui les fera passer pour une actrice de sitcom des années 80.
Paule Ka, habitué a sauver les celebrités en les habillant de facon glamour lors de multiples evenement, a decidé de creer une ligne speciale appellée judicieusement "Black carpet" ,concu specialement pour les grandes occasions.
Les robes sont modernes , a la coupe impeccable et restent sexy sans etre provocantes.
Les robes sont soit noires ( une evidence pour une collection "Black Carpet", mais aussi blanches, beige nude ( le nude est le nouveau noir) mais aussi des touches de couleurs comme du vert acide ou du rouge vif.
Donc , il ne reste plus aucune excuses aux starletttes pour arriver mal habillées à un cockatil prestigieux...
Chilling with style
Normally we're not big fans of casual clothes.
We're more into Haute Couture , corset , pencil skirts and high heels.
But from time to time, everybody have to leave the extravaganza to be more real and relieve our bodies from the fashion pain.
Most people would rush to ugly sweat pants and used sweaters.
Pennyblack provided an answer to those who state that fashion doen't march with comfort.
This Capsule collection is about five different pieces that you can combine and match to create the look you want and stay fashionnably comfy.
Starting at 55€ from selected stores
Normalement , nous n aimons pas vraiment les vetements decontractés.
Nous sommes plutot attirés par la Haute Couture , les corsets , les jupes entravées et les talons aiguille
Mais parfois, on a besoin de laisser de coté la mode flamboyante pour un peu de repos pour nos corps fatigués par les exigeances de la mode .
La plupart des gens se jeteraient sur un jogging moche et un vieux pull , mais nous avons l alternative.
Pennyblack nous a apporté la reponse a la priere de ceux qui ne trouvaient jamais des vetements comfortables et a la mode.
La collection Capsule est composée de cinq pieces que l on peux melanger et superposer a volonté pou rester chic tout en etant relax.
A partir de 55€
dimanche 30 janvier 2011
Behind the scenes
Fashion seems to be todays fastlane to celebrity. Everybody wants to be Carine Roitfeld overnight and be dressed with free designer clothes from head to toe.
They're barely twenty years old, they open a blog and copy and paste articles from one blog to another, then dress up like Lady Gaga on a bad hair day to pop at fashion shows they're not even invited to , and then declare they are fashion editors.
Samir Bahrir, Art Director , and Nicolas Chicanot , Editor in Chief, going through the images to edit the shooting |
Here at Lash Magazine , we do see things differently. We're all in our early 30's and did work for more than 10 years in the fashion business, working for prestigious publications such as Tetu, Harper's Bazaar, West East , etc...
When we decided to launch the magazine in July 2010, we had numerous meetings about what we can do and wanted to do. We are very proud of producing every single picture of the magazine, instead of collecting Vogue spreads from the net.
We are , as i said before , producing every image. So it's a long process and it requires professionals to set everything there.
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Model Dimphy Janse shot by Photographer Tess Feuilhade |
As the magazine comes with a theme, we have meetings within the three of us (we are a small team growing up ) to define the theme, the shootings that could relate and then picking the photographers that could relate to the theme. Then the production really starts.
Ouafa Moutaki , in charge of the Production and Coordination , sets the date of shoot with the photographer, books the studio, the Hair and Make up artists and supervise the casting done by the photographer, and basically makes sure that everything is running smooth on the D-day.
Nicolas Chicanot, Editor in chief, when doing the styling, is in charge of collecting the right clothes and accessories related to the upcoming shooting. It takes about a week to get all the clothing , accessories and jewellery to complete the styling.
It's not a matter of a couple of emails and some phone calls to get it done. He needs to go from a press office to a Haute Couture House by himself to make his selection, running around Paris for about a week.
A view of the styling required to do a fashion story , not to mention that it's only a part of it and most of the time it doesn't fit in the frame. |
During the shooting , everybody is busy. Samir Bahrir, the Art Director, has a constant conversation with the photographer and the stylist to be sure that the shooting is coherent and matches with its original idea.
Hair dressers, Make up Artists and Manicure are working on emphasize the model's beauty. Not to mention that each one of them is working on a regular basis with the world most pretigious magazines ( from Italian Vogue to British Harper's Bazaar )
A regular day of shooting is about 10 hours , but often exceeds to 12 or 14. It's always exciting to see some informal ideas coming to reality but it is really exhausting both physically and mentally.
We have to stay aware of any single details like a bad draping in a dress or a misplaced bracelet, paying attention that everybody is happy with the ongoing shooting, and keep our eyes opened and stay focused for the shooting to be coherent.
It's not easy or hard , it's a real job. And some people went on us to ask the magazine to be monthly or even weekly , but for now the magazine is set to be published every two months.
We really want to maintain the quality we are proud to present as the third issue is just out and we're in the middle of producing the 4th and 5th issue
We hope you will stay faithfull to us and keep on sending us your great feedback on facebook or twitter.
More exciting news to come very soon so stay tuned....
samedi 29 janvier 2011
Gaspard Yurkievich x Eastpak
Normally we're not big backpack fans.
Most of the time , its for hitchhiking or camping or teenage students : anything but glamourous compared to the Chanels and Fendis we're rocking on a daily basis.
But for once, we're kind of delighted by french designer Gaspard Yurkievich second collaboration with giant Eastpak.
He gave exquisite names to his bags such as Miracle, Truth, Spirit, Perception, etc...
He wanted his line to be first of all practical like the Miracle bag which can reduce his size in a second or the Duality that can be used as a travel bag or a sport bag.
But most of its interest comes from the design and the fabrics used : washed cotton, vintage looking grey leather or studded canvas for example.
They seem to have already lived and travel with you and they don't look right off the rack.
And that's what we're looking for , to be noticed for our look but not for our shinning brand new bag .
The official death of the it- bag and that's good news !
vendredi 28 janvier 2011
Maxime Simoens : The Wonder kid
At the tender age of 26 , nobody would expect a designer to come up with such a mature and amazingly executed collection.
But french designer Maxime Simoens did blow the fashion's crowd mind with his first runway show after two aclaimed collections , bringing Fashion godess Mademoiselle Agnes to tears and the Gossip Girl cast members , Leighton Meister and Blake Lively, to rock his gorgeous in a much anticipated episode taking place in Paris.
He offered us a perfect collection , sending his Heavenly creatures on the catwalk , draped in silk chiffon and soft feathers combined to tailored pieces , including his cross signature dress , that made everyone consider him not anymore as the "Flavor of the month" but definitely someone to follow, someone that will be an established designer and staying on the scene for long.
jeudi 27 janvier 2011
Alexandre Vauthier s/s 2011
Here at Lash Magazine, we have a special affection towards french designer Alexandre Vauthier.
Since his first collection , we felt in love with his unique signature looks from amazing shoulder pads to his jersey gowns , seen frequently on Rihanna.
His latest collection that he showed during Paris Haute Couture was once again flawless. Shoulder pads were there as we were expecting, the introduction of geometric prints was a pleasant surprise and did really worked with the rest of the collection.
The lamé gowns were just breath taking and the music created by fantastic DJ Charles Schillings with Catherine Deneuve whispering " I know he loves me for what I am deeply , because it is precious to me..." just gave us the extra goosebumps we were dying to get.
That's what couture is all about. Amazing clothes on amazing girls and a special moment to cherish and to remember
The Love Issue
The new issue is finally out !! please check out
Le nouveau numero est enfin sorti ! vous pouvez le consulter sur
Le nouveau numero est enfin sorti ! vous pouvez le consulter sur
mercredi 19 janvier 2011
New video
Director: Tess Feuilhade
Video : Julien Joyeux-Vittoriani
Art Director : Samir Bahrir
Fashion editor : Nicolas Chicanot
Assisted by : Claire Bismut
Hair : Alan Milroy at Mod's Hair & Make up using Tigi Hair Care
Maquillage : Alan Milroy at Mod's Hair & Make up using M.A.C. Cosmetics
Manicure : Sandrine Bo using Sinful Colors
Model : Dimphy Janse at Nathalie Model Agency
Production and coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Special thanx to Studio Daguerre
Video : Julien Joyeux-Vittoriani
Art Director : Samir Bahrir
Fashion editor : Nicolas Chicanot
Assisted by : Claire Bismut
Hair : Alan Milroy at Mod's Hair & Make up using Tigi Hair Care
Maquillage : Alan Milroy at Mod's Hair & Make up using M.A.C. Cosmetics
Manicure : Sandrine Bo using Sinful Colors
Model : Dimphy Janse at Nathalie Model Agency
Production and coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Special thanx to Studio Daguerre
Teaser 2 !
Another teaser, "Echo" by Exterface.....
Photographer : Exterface
Fashion editor : Nicolas Chicanot
Hair : Kim Chincholle @ Lebigue One using Tigi Hair Care
Maquillage : Julie Camus @ Lebigue One using M.A.C. Cosmetics
Manicure : Sandrine Bo using Sinful Colors
Model : Marie Meyer at Karin Paris
Production and coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Special thanx to Sophie Bigo
Un autre teaser , "Echo" par Exterface.....
Photographe : Exterface
Styliste : Nicolas Chicanot
Coiffure : Kim Chincholle @ Lebigue One avec les produits Tigi Hair Care
Maquillage : Julie Camus @ Lebigue One avec les produits M.A.C. Cosmetics
Manucure : Sandrine Bo avec les produits Sinful Colors
Modèle : Marie Meyer at Karin Paris
Production et coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Remerciements a Sophie Bigo
Coming soon !!
Just a little teaser before the release of the 3rd issue on January 23rd !!
Stay tuned !
Photographer : Yannick Leconte
Fashion editor : Nicolas Chicanot
Hair : Alan Milroy @ Mod's Hair & Make up
Maquillage : Djad
Manicure : Sandrine Bo using Peggy Sage
Model : Florence Eugene @ Ford Models & Thomasz de Oliveira @ New Madison
Production and coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Special thanx to Marc @ Studio Daguerre
Juste un petit teaser avant la sortie du magazine le 23 Janvier !!
Restez connecté !
Photographe : Yannick Leconte
Styliste : Nicolas Chicanot
Coiffure : Alan Milroy @ Mod's Hair & Make up
Maquillage : Djad
Manucure : Sandrine Bo avec les produits Peggy Sage
Modèles : Florence Eugene @ Ford Models & Thomasz de Oliveira @ New Madison
Production et coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Styliste : Nicolas Chicanot
Coiffure : Alan Milroy @ Mod's Hair & Make up
Maquillage : Djad
Manucure : Sandrine Bo avec les produits Peggy Sage
Modèles : Florence Eugene @ Ford Models & Thomasz de Oliveira @ New Madison
Production et coordination : Ouafa Moutaki
Numérique : Ahrifa pour Boisclair Studio
Remerciements a Marc @ Studio Daguerre
Remerciements a Marc @ Studio Daguerre
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